Cosy wild places
The Australian landscape has a timelessness and spirit that touches my soul and compels me to create. In these abstract impressionist paintings I immerse myself - and my viewers - in cosy pockets of wildnerness.
Many of these ‘landscape interiors’ are from my local Canberra area, where nature makes a home in pockets of suburbia, sharing her mysteries with us and reminding me that every inch is sacred habitat. Rivers, especially, are to me wondrous things that carry stories from the depths of the mountains.
The minimal sky in these works has a grounding effect, anchoring me in the protective undergrowth and in the heart-knowledge of the forest. For this reason, I love these as wall art for homes where they can bring pleasure every day.
"Through the eucalypts", oil on wood panel, 41x51cm. Sold.
"Sapling Forest in Crimson", oil on canvas, 90x60cm. Sold.
"Mountain Flow", Mixed media on linen, unstretched, 120x90cm. $1200.
"A Little Refresh", oil on canvas, 35x71cm. Available online. $590 unframed.
"Simple Soft Greens 3", oil on wood panel, 41x51cm. Sold.
"Simple Soft Greens", oil on wood panel, 41x51cm. $495 unframed. Exclusive to Splatter Gallery.
"Haven 2", oil on linen, 120x60cm. Sold.
"Precious Gem", oil on canvas, 101x101cm. $1800 unframed. Exclusive to Splatter Gallery.
"Sapling Forest in Blues", oil on canvas, 90x60cm. Sold.
"Quiet, Heat, Quartz 1", oil on linen, 60x92cm. Available online. $880 unframed.
"Dragonfly Spring 1", oil on linen, 90x60cm. Available online. $730 unstretched.
"Forest Creeks 10", oil on wood panel, 41x51cm. Available online. $670 framed in oak.
"Forest Creeks 9", oil on wood panel, 41x51cm. Available online. $670 framed in oak.